The theme chosen is waves, any type of wave from brain waves to ocean waves, they both have there different type of formations.
This first an introduction to there formations and relations to each other, firstly the ocean is in a constant motion, the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon oscillates the landscape of the oceans two times a day whilst the wind forms it into waves.
The highest point of the wave is known as the crest and the lowest point of the wave is called the through, the result of the difference between the two is known as wave height.
There are several types of waves and they are deep water waves, inshore, constructive, destructive and refracted waves, all have there differences in construction and destruction.
Second type of wave is Electromagnetic waves, these consist of a combination of oscillating both electrical and magnetic fields, they are angled to each other, these types of waves has similar characteristics of other types of waves.
The creation and detection of both the waves depend on different wavelengths, also vibration comes into play, for it creates the direction in which they travel.
The experience with Rhino/Grasshopper, both softwares have there different types of forming shapes and equations, Rhino the more of the practical side whilst the software Grasshopper places more theory in creating geometries and equations to form the desired shape it is also explained as is a graphical algorithm editor mainly integrated with the use of Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools.
With the first design, with using Rhino to create a wave type shape and the formuals used in Grasshopper it automatically created that wave form, though i had to use Rhino to edit the curve, so i decided to start from scratch and do everything in Grasshopper, with following tutorials online, i found that implementing and designing the curve was easier than i had thought, with using different number sliders to change the wave length and frequency, the edited curve became something different when changing the number slider.
With trying to understand the concept of the Sin and Cos equations, i had looked up tutorials in elaborating on the subjects.
When rendering the lofted objects i had used 3Ds MAX which was not new to me, editing the lights and cast shadows made it into something different, it gave more of a curve and more of a shape.
The use of the tutorials has helped me understand how the concept of grasshopper works, such tutorials as the twisty tower and using a series of numbers to edit the shape, but through the help of youtube and the grasshopper website, it helped put together a kind of a base geometry.
Also with this is creating a lofted surface, when creating different base curves and attaching the to a loft subject it creates a landscape like plane.
Overall Rhino/Grasshopper is a fun software to use when things work out, but when they dont can get frustrating at times, but further more research in this type of software will allow me to learn more of what the program is capable of.
It was much more easier using Rhino to implement different shapes and using grasshopper to further more design and edit the shape.
Grasshopper has made me understand how forms and values of a normal wave work, this relating back to my assessment, posted on my blog shows the different calculations in wave lengths in the oceans, this is also in relation to brain waves, sound waves and electromagnetic waves, every type of wave has a certain vibration and calcuation as to how it works.
And it this goes back to grasshopper, it gives different formulas to understand how the wave works and its relation to being attached to other waves, thenn results to different shapes and sizes.
Grasshopper is easy to use, with the use of graphical algorithims to create designs from form generators parameters, it doesnt require any programming experience what so ever.