Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 Extra Sources on Architecture

Within this book shown is the analysis of architecture, it presents architectural drawings and explanations on how certain type of buildings work, it also supports ideas and strategies in over-analyzing ones own design. One section of the book describes space for assimilating, describes light and shade, reflection, texture, mood, layering views; all in relation to geometries.
But overall the plans and sections tend to be the abstractions through which architects primarily design, they are also an importance for analysis.

Analysis Architecture, Third Edition Revised and Enlarged, Simon Unwin. Published 2009 Routledge

This book describes the theoretical issues historically related to 3 main architects, Peter Eisienman, Frank Gehry and Benard Tschumi. It presents the complexities involved in architectures adaptation to media technologies, this text relates to the history and contemporary architecture in the light of the ongoing myths surrounding the traditions of the 19th century architecture.

Crysis of the Object, The Architecture of the Atricality, Gevork Hartoonian, Published 2006 Routledge

This book is focused on the Architect Alvar Aalto, with the embracement of all key public institutions such as libraries, theaters, churches, etc. Be brings his mental side to his decision making, not entirely making it about design but the theoretic to design, he brought the physical and psychological needs of their individual users and known sensitivity to natural sites and the different materials and experimental qualities of the relation to architecture.

Alvar Aalto, Richard Weston, Phaidon Press Limited, Published in 1995

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