Thursday, June 2, 2011

500 Word Text for Assessment 3

Tower known as the “Tower of Refuge”, the word refuge meaning a place in which shelters or protects from danger or from distress or calamity, this structure is situated within the heart of the main city, the corner of Castleregh street and Kings street within Sydney, the aim of this structrure was to get the adjacent buildings in line, and in relation to the word “Refuge”, its a place in which you can escape to, from work or from the everyday life, the functions of the platforms have there differences in use.
This tower and its functions are in relation to the toughness of everyday life, its used for all type of people, to relax read a book, do some quiet work or a place to socialize, to notice the design facade so when overlooking the tower you can see the views of sydney.

As said before the 4 levels are used in a different ways, one level used for socializing and just chilling, level two is used for a place to chill and relax and used as a place of function, level 3 is used as a place to read, study or do some work, and the last level, level 4 used also as a place to relax and look at the views or sydney.
The main areas of inspiration was the building, Wave building by Henning Larsen Architects, the way in which this is constructed is the wave type formation, and i wanted to achieve this with a tower formation that relates to a wave structure and a triangular facade.

The iterations itself represent more than the forms presented, there are 24 hours in a day, 12 for day and 12 for night, everything iteration is in relation to the hour of a 12 hour day, every hour the sun moves and the building itself moves with the sun to create light penetration into the struc ture. The theme of this design was in relation to waves and how a single wave is constructed as in relation to the first assessment.
With the iterations formed i used the rotation input to Rotate the hexagons and used a design for the facade of the building, and used the box morph to assign the different types of facades used.

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