Wednesday, June 22, 2011

REVIEW - presentation

The Tower of Refuge

Refuge meaning - to shelter, to protect or protection from danger or distress.
This comes into relation to the design and to the location of the tower, the site chosen is Kings Street, within the busy part of the city, when thinking of the city, i think busy, work, non stop stress, etc. This is where the tower comes in, the tower provides a place in which you can get away from that, used as a means to shelter from the distress of the outside surrounding city.

The tower will be 4 stories high providing different spaces and overlooking the surrounding city, it attracts all people, from students visitors, businessmen etc.

The iterations will be in relation to the concept of topology, as for the meaning of this is a study of geometric forms, which are not affected by editing the size and the shape of the form, an example of this is the changing from a doughnut to a coffee cup, it may seem impossible to do, but its that certain change that the geometric forms stay continuous.
This is in relation to the iterations formed, all of the iterations presented in my poster all remain the same in form, with remaining the same form it is changed by deformations such as twisting and stretching, and this comes back to the geometric form remaining continuous, and the study of topology.

The iterations are changed, with the use of an rotation input within grasshopper and also the opening of the facade can be changed with a number slider that controls the sizing of the fillets.

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